
Booking and Contacts

Book at the Restaurant Al Dragone by calling one of these two numbers: Fisso: 08841952046 Mobile: 335 6870741 Alternatively, you can fill up the booking request below.

Opening Hours

Booking Request

*The booking will be considered confirmed only after receiving our response via email
We accept only bookings at the following times: 19:30 – 20:00 – 22:00 – 22:30

Where We Are

How to Reach Us

From North: driving along the high way A14 until the exit Poggio Imperiale and then continue on the coast road by following the sign to Vieste.

From South: driving along the high way A14 until the exit Cerignola Est and then continue on the coast road by following the sign to Vieste.

From Bari: shuttle bus from the airport of Bari Palese available from the 15th of June until the 15th of September – prenota su Pugliairbus.

From Rome: by bus from Roma Tiburtina station – bookings available on Ferrovie del Gargano – or by train to Foggia from Roma Termini station – bookings available on Trenitalia.

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2022 © Al Dragone by Antonio Troiano. All Right are Reserved.
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